Tuesday, January 3, 2017

2017 Reading Resolutions

  1. Read what I want when I want to
Sometimes I get caught up in planning my TBR lists and selecting books that fit specific challenge criteria, and I end up having a pile of books to read that I’m just not in the mood for. In 2017, I want to give myself permission to not worry about reading a certain pre-planned list of books so much as reading what I want when I want to. This past week already, I have three more books left to read for a challenge but I’ve only been wanting to read space opera Sci-Fi, so that’s what I’ve been reading and I’ve been loving it.
  1. Read more fiction with LGBTQ romance
Looking back at what I read in 2016, only a handful of books featured LGBTQ protaganists, and none of those were straight up romances. In 2017, I want to expand my reading life to include reading about relationships different than my own, and hopefully being exposed to new-to-me writers in the process.
  1. Read a few classics I probably should have read by now
I am a rarified reader in regards to never having read the Harry Potter series, and also never having read Jane Austen. Crucify me now, I know. I don’t really have a desire to read HP (no offense), but I am making it a priority to read some Jane Austen books this year. I also want to pick up a few of classic high fantasy reads that most people read in their teens/early twenties but that I somehow missed out on.
  1. Read more books that I already own
This resolution is something I always say that I’m going to do, but never manage, mostly because there are just so many books that I want to read! Still, I’m going to try to use books that I already own to fulfill reading challenges this year and hopefully make it through a few impulse buys. Meanwhile, I’m hoping this will save me money on buying books as well.
  1. Continue my mission to read outside of my comfort zone
In 2016, I read books that I never would have picked up normally, and I actually enjoyed them! In 2017, I hope to continue to challenge myself and not get too comfortable in my reading life. I hope to read long books that always intimidated me in the past, books by debut authors, books published by indie presses, books in translation, and books from genres I don’t usually choose.

That’s all for my 2017 reading resolutions! We’ll see how I measure up in twelve more months.

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